Friday, March 30, 2012

Another day, another door.

This one was inspired by 4-year-olds everywhere. I'm already gearing up for VBS.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I had a realization yesterday: I am so incredibly grateful that we need food to survive.

It sounds weird, but think about it. If eating were merely an option, like wearing jewelry or makeup, then who knows what I'd be missing out on? If we didn't have to eat at least three times a day, the demand for food wouldn't be nearly what it is. If we didn't have to eat food to survive, then those who regularly did so would be weird, like people who wear pounds of makeup and a bajillion clangy bangles just because they can. Besides that, not needing food would mean that our bodies wouldn't need the energy it provides, which would mean that the typical eating person would be considerably larger than is desirable.

That was one bizarre paragraph. But all this is to say that food is delicious. Oreos, cereal, chocolate, sweet potatoes, animal crackers, chicken, peanut butter, all that stuff. Delicious. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Let's catch up.

Since we last chatted, quite a bit has happened. I made a trip to Texas by bus, enduring many bus trips where a certain couple across the aisle clearly had never heard the phrase "get a room." Of course, the trip also featured many pleasant things, like frantically pointing at the latest herd of cows, staying in homes of very hospitable Southerners who enjoy nothing more than force-feeding you strawberry shortcake, and convincing yourself that it would probably save time to just sleep in your concert black. All in all, a good trip. But it's good to be back.

But as nice as it is to have a routine, it's even nicer when your routine gets interrupted, as mine recently has. Due to all kinds of bizarre circumstances, I'll be going to Memphis next weekend (no, not this weekend) with the Mock Trial team. I'll be playing the role of Timekeeper, an important part, to be sure. Plus, since memorizing the bell schedule and synchronizing my watch down to the second with the school clocks in middle school, I think it'd be safe to say that timekeeping is my passion. So, to Memphis we will go.

And I wouldn't be truly back in the saddle again if I weren't baking. I'm carrying on with the Buffalo Chip Challenge, and if you ask me, it's going fairly well. Round 2 is this week's project, and it is significantly closer to the real deal than Round 1 was. And I would show you a picture, except my camera cord seems to have gone on a little walkabout. But soon, I promise. (Update 3/19: I found it, see?)

They didn't spread much at all. They were not too sweet. I think we're almost there. (The one thing I'm not so sure about is the texture. Mine were more like your normal cookie, whereas the originals were crumbly; when you bite in, your teeth don't compress the cookie at all, they just separate the part of the cookie in your hand from the part of the cookie that will soon be in your tummy. Let's hope that made as much sense to you as it did in my head. Your cookie should stand up to your teeth, show it who's boss.*)

But to hone my procrastination skills just that much more, I've recently discovered a few new food blogs. Exactly what I need, I'm sure. My favorite at the moment: Homesick Texan. Maybe I am one, but more likely is that the food looks perfect. I've already started a list, and I'm kicking it off with this. Followed closely by cookies and cake and cornbread and tomato jam and salsa and, when summer finally rolls around**, lots of peach ice cream. Crank up the ovens, I'm a-coming.

*Clearly, those hours on the bus took a greater toll on my mental faculties than I realized.
**And who decided Illinois could be 81 and sweaty in March?! This is so not what I signed up for.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gone to Texas.

You say, "Big deal, you're going home for spring break. Party time." But no, this is no ordinary trip home. This one involves 49 hours on a bus and many musicians. But it's late, I won't keep you. (And let's be real, I'd like to sleep, too.) I'll be roaming the countryside with all them cows and buffalo, and you should pop on in for a concert sometime. There'll be a Hoe-Down, a violin concerto, a piece by a Finnish guy, and a whole lot more. Here's where we'll be and when. Holler if you're in town, I'll shoot you some more specific details about the concerts. They're sure to be barn-burners.

Sunday, March 4: Dallas, TX
Monday, March 5: Waco, TX
Tuesday, March 6: Tyler, TX
Wednesday, March 7 (in the mornin'): Longview, TX
Thursday, March 8: Houston, TX
Friday, March 9: Little Rock, AK
Saturday, March 10: Jefferson City, MO

Now sing yerself a li'l ditty in preparation for this here tour:

The stars at night are big and bright
(clap, clap, clap, clap)
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The prairie sky is wide and high
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.

The sage in bloom is like perfume
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Reminds me of the one I love
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.

The coyotes wail along the trail
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The rabbits rush around the brush
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.

The cowboys cry, "Ki-yip-pee-yi"
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The dogies bawl and bawl and bawl
(clap, clap, clap, clap),
Deep in the heart of Texas.