- How it works: main points of thesis (orange) each get a column, ensuring that everything relates back to that pesky thesis.
- green stickies are sub-points within each paragraph to keep rambling at bay.
- each brick represents a paragraph.
Why it’s preferred to simple Roman numerals outline:
- post-its are so. much. fun.
- color makes life more interesting.
- it can be adjusted far more easily than copy-and-pasting and redoing all the Roman numerals.
- no stupid tabbing.
- very little guarantee that all post-its will still be there tomorrow morning.
- funny looks from your roommate.
- potential for ink smudges on your hands after sticking them to the wall. (Note: this could also be seen as a pro if you like the “hard worker” look of inky hands.)
I also give myself points for resourcefulness with using the provided bricks as paragraph breaks. Now if only inspiration would strike before midnight, it’d be really lovely.
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