Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunshine! Ponies! for real this time.

this poem dedicated to Laura and Mary Helen-

It shines
brighter than Edison's lightbulb
brighter than Raffles Durbin
brighter than the light in the hallway that never shuts off
brighter than the eyes of one with a bushy tail
brighter than the eyes of a pony with a bushy tail
ambling down the alley
blazing through the beets
curtsying through the corn
dancing on the dairy farm
eating with the elephants
filling up on fajitas
grazing on the grass
hiccuping throughout the hour
idling on the isle
jousting with jackalopes
kicking down kayaks
laying with lambs
making muffins
neighing at the neighbors
ogling the oats
packing in the pudding
quacking through their quarrels
racing to the rink
spitting out seeds
trotting to the tents
undulating with Ukranians
venting to their vegetables
wailing their worries
x-raying their xiphoid processes
yodeling in the yard
zipping down the ziplines