- I am a relator, meaning that I pick a few close friends, but I know them really well. In a large-group situation, I just need a couple people to talk to, rather than wanting to talk to everyone however briefly.
- I individualize people. I don't like labeling people, generalizing, any of that. I'm particularly proud of this one because I think it's one everyone should have to be a decent human being.
- I analyze. I need to be able to prove something if I'm going to believe it and act on it. I have decision trees in my head.
- I'm a developer, so I take people wherever they are and help them improve. I also get excited about improvements, even if they're tiny.
- I'm an arranger. I put people in groups well, arranging people and schedules for maximum productivity. (I think this might also have something to do with efficiency, which I like a lot.)
- At some point, you have to stop thinking about yourself and what type of person you are and actually do something with your time.
- Personality tests can sometimes become like a self-fulfilling prophecy: "Well, I'm a developer, so I would typically behave this way, so I guess that's what I should do" or "That's not one of my strengths -- I wouldn't do that, so I shouldn't."
- To some extent, self-discovery should happen by your own self, not by a test.
Also, two people I know (kind of) got engaged tonight. I mean, it's cute, but whoa. You're a year older than I am. This is not OK.
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